It has been said that “the world is divided into haters and creators.”
As a Creator, we must embrace the role because we find ourselves besieged by Haters.
So, how do we become Creators?
Creators are people who decide which direction to go in and take the first step.
This is where the wheat is separated from the chaff. Creators are different than others. Creators are "first steppers." They use this first step as an act of ….Faith.
Faith in themselves and the tools they possess. This Faith comes from the belief that the actions they take will result in a desirable outcome.
Creators then mold and pull and add and push and turn and twist to keep moving forward no matter the circumstances.
A Creator in the act of creating rarely questions the material given to him or her.
No doubt, they seek the best material, but in the end, they still accomplish what they set out to do with what they have.
Creators are people who others want to follow. It's a natural instinct all people have. When someone is in the act of creating and there is Leadership, Pride and a Sense of Accomplishment, everyone wants to be close to the person who is responsible.
Who wouldn't?
Haters question everything and everybody. They have little belief in themselves and thereby want to control an outcome by proxy.
They know that if anything anyone is trying to accomplish turns out bad, they can stand on one side, pointing their finger while saying "I told you so, I told you so."
Haters would rather tell you and everyone in earshot why it is dangerous to do anything new, when they tried something new something bad happened to them, how many times they had something bad happen to them, how many times they have seen others have something bad happen to them, etc...
They use this to create a feeling of control over themselves and others while never realizing that they gave up control when they decided to stand and watch instead of Create and Take Action.
Haters are out to prove themselves right and everybody else is wrong. They spend more time deciding how the world should run if they were in charge and yet take no charge of their world. Life is what happens to them.
There is not one spark of Creation anywhere.
So, at the end of it all, will you be remembered as a Creator or a Hater?
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