Use the "3T System" to make more money in Fixed Ops.

Making more Money in Fixed Operations is everyone's goal.

Think not?

Just go tell your Dealer Principal that this month you've decided that making money is not important... and see what happens to you, Mr. /Ms. Jobless.

Making money is much easier when you use a system to do it and it is much better than just wishing for more Money. Use the "3T System" to drive more dollars to the bank.

The first T stands for "Tell Everybody" what you want to accomplish this month. It is also called "Create a Compelling Vision" and the more Compelling it is, the more people are drawn to it.

Additionally, it must be specific, memorable and most importantly, reinforced at every opportunity!

It cannot be the same old tired "We need to do better or else!" stuff. They have already heard it before.

If it is, people will just ignore it. Start the month off with a kickoff meeting detailing exactly what it is you must accomplish, what role each person has and how you will be holding people accountable.

Remember, the more specific you are, the better your results!

The second T stands for "Teach me Something New." Everybody wants to be part of the newest, latest and greatest.

New is fun...New is exciting...New is way better than "old and stale." Let me give you an example.

When was the last time a you offered to make a sandwich for a guest in your home, and they said to you "Please make mine using old stale bread, month old lunchmeat and could you put some expired mayonnaise on it"?

Not gonna happen. It's the same way in the Service Department.

People want to feel like they are part of a new challenge and accomplishing new things. Don't make them a stale old sandwich and expect them to eat it.

Teach them something new about their job, the Customer, the Dealership...anything!

And the last T stands for "Train to Win!"

Bobby Jones said it best when he said "If you fail to get the proper instruction you'll only get better at making yourself worse." Train to Win means the best Training by the Best Method yields the Best Results!

Train your personnel using the Best Methods available (like DealerPro VT) and you will consistently improve and reach new Goals!

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